Our goal at each meeting is to learn one new Iñupiatun word.

Iñupiatun has many dialects. We recognize this and are hoping to find out which dialect each word is and add that as we learn more. Please be patient with us as we are learning.

Iñupiatun words for our culture:

Iñupiaqatigiigñiq means live in harmony as Iñupiaq. Iñupiaq means the real people. Qati means meeting place or friend. Giig means good. Gniq is a value ending.

Everyday Iñupiatun words:

Imaġuq means to melt into water (of snow or ice); for a body of water to be formed from spring melting. Imaaq means get wet. Imaaġnak! means Don't get wet! Imiq iñuggusiq means water is life.

Suu means soup. Suutuqtuagut qitigusigapta means we had soup for lunch.

Tulugaq means raven.

Kiita. means lets go. This is also commonly used on children when they mess up or fall down to encourage them to not give up.

Susa! means Let’s do this!

Suniaqpisa? means what are you all (for three or more people) going to do?

Uvliluataqsaqtutin! means Have a good day!

Iga means kitchen or to cook meat. Igapiaq means to cook meat by boiling. Igaraq means to cook blubber to make oil. Igari means cook or chef. Igarriq means to put meat in a pot over a fire to cook or to put meat to cook in boiling water.

Iġñivik means June and maternity ward. The literal translation is “time when caribou give birth.” Iġñi means to give birth to a child. Vik means place which also includes the place in time.

Igniq means fire.

Tavra means that’s enough or there.

Nalaiñ means stop it.

Nallauti means to lie down on the bed with her/him/it to induce to sleep.

Ii means yes.

Quyanaq means thank you. Quyanaqpak means thank you very much.

Nauriaq means flower.

Atchu means I don’t know.

Uvva means here.

Pikka means up. Samma means down.

Nutaaq means something new or fresh.

Kiktuġiaq means mosquito.

Tupiq means tent.

Tuttu means caribou.

Qasigiaq means spotted seal.

Tuttuvak means moose.

Amaġuq means wolf.

Tinnik means bearberry.

Akłaq means brown bear.

Igutchaq means bumble bee.

Iñupiatun words to know for one’s mental health:

Naamaruŋa means I am enough.

Naamarutiñ means you are enough.

Naamariguk means we are enough.

Words we can use while dealing with any government: 

Kipaluatchiaq means servant. This is the word one of our elders suggest we use for our representatives as they are public servants.

Aka means to protest, make a fuss, or be disagreeable. Akaruŋa means I protest, I make a fuss, or I'm disagreeable.

Apiqqun or apiqsruun means a question.

Niġiugi means to anticipate, expect them to appear or it to occur.

Ikayuqti means assistant, helper, or intercessor.

Aniq means to speak.

Nipuŋa means to not pay attention.

Iḷit means to learn, to learn of his/her ways or habits, or to learn it.

Aglauti means to write it down, to record it, or to write for her/him. Aglaun means pencil or writing utensil. Aglautiruna means I am the writer or I am writing. Aglautiruk means he/she/they are writing.

Savak means to work (on it); to repair it; to shape it; to execute, administer it, to be working, operating properly (of a machine); to prepare it= corpse for burial. Savaktuna means I work.

Maliktuna means I follow.

Ukurviksraq means time to do something.

Uvagut means what’s going on right now.

Iñupiatun words we can use as allies for other communities:

Puksripak, Purgiq, Taaqsipak are three words for an African American or Black individual.

Atanġiqsua means freedom.